
2:08 PM
If you have foot pain and haven't tried different insoles, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND FIND SOME NOW! I've now discovered how good my feet can feel and I'm never going back to wearing shoes with their supplied footbeds. Really.

Part of my foot pain is the fact that I broke both big toes in martial arts years ago. My right one got injured so bad that I've got some rheumatoid arthritis in the largest joint of my big toe. Also, I didn't realize that my arches needed more support. But now the pain is basically gone, thanks to three insoles that I've found lately:

1. SOLE Heat-Moldable Insoles - They have three thicknesses - thin, regular, and thick (and lots of other choices, too, apparently). Which one you use depends on how much room you need to take up in your shoe. I didn't bother with heating them up -they feel fucking AWESOME right out of the box - around $45 (and I could only find them at REI).

2. Sof Sole Adapt Heat-Moldable Insoles - SofSole carries a bunch of different insoles, but these have the highest arch. Just touching them, they don't feel as substantial as the SOLE insoles, but they work REALLY well - around $30, and they seem to be available at multiple places (Dick's Sporting Goods is where I found them).

3. The Walking Company Memory Foam Insoles - (The ones I've tried are the Lynco: Men's Premium) These are the first high-dollar ($60) insoles I tried and I liked them a LOT... until I tried the two above. These definitely have more cushion, which I *thought* I needed, but it turns out that the feel almost TOO squishy for me. Also, The Walking Company has a pressure-sensitive mat that you can stand on that determines the type of support you need. I would definitely recommend it.

I've seen some less substantial insoles at CVS and Target, but if you're really a clydesdale, you'll crush those flimsy little things, so don't waste your money.

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